Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Vision of St. Thomas Aquinas about Christ

Jesus why are you speaking to me through a crucifix? Am I not worthy to see you in the flesh like you were in the time of the twelve apostles? Well if you are here, then this must only mean that I am a very good Christian.  The thing that would make this moment majestic would be for me to tell you that I want to be with you because you are my life and salvation, so...

Friday, May 22, 2015

Visit with Sisters of Life

On Friday May 22nd,

 we went to New York City

 to volunteer at the 

Sisters of Life convent

Picture with the Sisters of Life at the end of our visit with them in front of their convent. 

What do the Sisters of Life do?

"The Sisters of Life is a contemplative / active religious community of women founded in 1991 by John Cardinal O’Connor for the protection and enhancement of the sacredness of every human life. Like all religious communities, we take the three traditional vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. We also are consecrated under a special, fourth vow to protect and enhance the sacredness of human life. Reverence and gratitude for the unique and unrepeatable gift of each human life made in the image and likeness of God fuels the prayer of each Sister, our first mission in building the Kingdom of God and the “Culture of Life.” It also provides the starting point for our interactions with others, especially relationships in community between our 80 Sisters (who come from across the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, Australia and Spain), and in our apostolates" ( 

John Cardinal O'Connor

To get to their location in NYC, we took the Path and then the Subway and walked the rest of the way. Once at their convent, we helped them clean up a bit their gardens, which I could sincerely say was quite simple yet at the end of the day, was fulfilling. 

Wei and Hector on the subway on the way to the Sisters of Life convent.

After our work in the garden, we stepped inside to pray the rosary and daytime prayer with them. Once we finished praying we had lunch with them. During lunch, the sisters spoke to us about how they found their vocation. They mentioned how they opened a new convent in Denver, Colorado. Which by the way is where I'm from, well not necessarily, yet close enough. 

Archbishop Aquila of Denver with Mother Agnes Mary and the Sisters of Life  at their Profession of Vows in 2013
Picture with Archbishop Aquila of Denver in 2013 
While at lunch Wei stepped outside and went to go and buy flowers and steak to give to the sisters. They were very grateful for the small gift from Wei. 

This is our class with the Sister of Life in front of an image of our Lady of Guadalupe at the Sister of Life convent. The flowers that you can barely see are the ones Wei bought for them.

I could sincerely say that by the end of the day I was truly fulfilled, despite how small the work seemed to be. I was thinking about it and compared to the work I did and how I felt it was most definitely not proportional.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

St. Thomas Aquinas-Jesus

Oh so beautiful...I have never seen such beauty...I fear...yet at the same time I am happy....Don't know what to think...

My vision

I see the light. I see reason to live. Everything makes sense to me now and the pieces to my life are starting to come together. I see a new way to live, almost like a new beginning.  Something has struck me and I know that I am going along the right path. I know that God and Christ are in my life... But how?...

St. Thomas Aquinas

I see him there.  Just hanging...... I don't know how to react.....I'm unworthy..... Why me??? Thank you Lord for appearing to me.... I'm not worthy of your command..... I wiil try my best to fulfill your will.....What is it again?...

St. Thomas Aquinas Vision

How insipid and wondrous the splendor you have shown me O Lord...Finally has the transcendent understanding of you become illustrated with reason...As I could only dream for...Glorious is this vision with all mysteries answered and knowledge of transcendent understanding...How bright is this grand momentous experience...O how I long for unity with you my Lord, so...

Saint Thomas Aquinas seeing the vision of Christ

Is that really you? ... Jesus Christ? What are you telling me? ... Come again? ... What you say enlightens me and I want to write it all down ... hold up, let me get a paper and a pen okay.  What's that?  You say I shouldn't do that?  I should just listen to you instead? ... Wow, this is a lot ... Thank you for coming to me.  But why would you not want me to write down what you just told me?...

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Lonesome Dorothy day

I have come to the conclusion that the only way to get out of loneliness is to truly love one another. If we do not love, we will isolate ourselves and become less open to God and from people around you and when that happens it detaches us. I have followed and witnessed God working with me  and I feel that I am blessed. I feel that God saw past my terrible past and really cared for me and really saw me as more than a troubled woman. I am grateful and praise the Lord for his greatness.  Now what?...

Dorothy Day- Thoughts on solutions of loneliness

My solution to this lonely problem is loving the people the way they are. The way of accomplishing this problem is simply by creating a place of hospitality for those who need it. But my problem is getting all of this to become a reality, so maybe I should pray to God so that he can help me, so...

Dorothy da y

In over 50 years of time, Dey has been a leader of social movements, propaganda ideas of this movement, this movement demanding social reforms, promote people to Anpinyuedao, to the pursuit of peace and racial equality, to consciously help poor homeless people.

Dorothy Day

I contemplate the many times I've sinned...  Each time, the Lord has been right there to forgive me and encourage me to do good...I constantly feel that I am unworthy to be in the Lord's presence...Due to my sins I feel the loneliness but the Lord combats my loneliness with his endless love towards me...Thanks to first hand experience, I see how by helping the poor and the homeless a community is formed to comfort those afflicted with pain and suffering...This community at large...

Dorothy Day's quote on Loneliness

Loneliness is what I see in the world ... Everyone's alone ... There are some people with no homes ... Why God? Why are you making them suffer? I don't want them to suffer because of poverty and even loneliness. They need to know that they are not alone ... You love them. I love them ... But they don't know that ...

Thursday, May 14, 2015

the ROCK St Peter

My master just told me to guide and lead the church.... I find my self truly unworthy... Why would he ask me of all his true followers who would never have denied him...... I don't understand.... I feel like such a loser.... But if I must carry his church I shall.... I know that with his love he will  guide me ....  But how?


Here I am... A simple fisherman in the Sea of Galilee.  And now, I'm being asked by some random person to follow him and be one of his disciples?  Who is this anyway?  But why do I feel so attracted to this person?  Should I follow him, or not?  I wonder what would happen to me if I do?  It seems the rest of my life on the choice I make now.  So, what will I do...

Peter Becoming Pope

What a title and grand vocation I am to endure still...Yet I still believe myself to be unworthy for such a cause...I predict though the church is small it will grow to a great extent...Even though Christ has ascended he still remains and is a great advocate for us all...Appointed pope is such an honor and definite pleasure for me to endure...I contemplate how everlasting is God's love still after being a doubter, betrayer, and sinner.  The Lord forgives me and grants me this glorious life...For every sin I commit the Lord loves me none the less and ultimately forgives me...This notion encourages me to continue in the light and in the way of Christ as pope, so...

The Rock of the Catholic Church (St.Peter)

Wait right there Jesus... So you are telling me that I, the one who rejected you, will lead the Catholic Church to its glory?... Until you come back? Is that right? Well if that's the case then I will need divine intervention to accomplish all of this. And also the zeal to do this.  And...


I can't believe it. Jesus told me to guide the church. Jesus... Entrusting ME... With something very important that can change the world... This is A LOT of responsibility. I feel honored but, I'm just one man. One sinful man... A man probably not capable of this. But since he choose me, he must have something in the future to help me with this. I guess he does... I hope he does... He better have something. Well I guess I better start but I don't know what to start with...

Peter becoming Pope

I am honored to be given the opportunity to become Pope. I take this role on, it is my vocation and I must say yes, I will take this challenge and I know God will guide me. Sure I think it's a bit crazy that he called upon me a sinner... But there has to be a reason as to why he did this. I will look past my faults and be a new person, I will become a changed man.

Peter Becoming Pope

Hold up...What just happened?...I think I was just assigned to lead the church...I must have heard something wrong...Does Jesus know who he is talking to?...I mean I'm a sinner...I can't lead no church...What to think...Yet he says I am the rock he will build his church upon...What am I supposed to do?...I'm truly confused...I'm pretty sure I cannot do this...Jesus must be on something...Only thinking about it makes me nervous...But I mean he must want me to do it...He must see something in me that I don't know of...  But what?

Peter becoming Pope

Are you talking to me? ... Me? The Pope?! I think you have to reconsider that because I am not deserving of the role as Pope ... I'm a sinner ... I'm a fisherman ... I'm low-class ... me? You say I can be the rock where you will build your church, but for real? Me? I'm only strong enough to carry fish... I won't be able to do it all by myself ... Are you sure you're making a good choice?

A Trip to America House

On May 11, we went to New York on a trip to go see the author of the book "My Life with the Saints." The book its self is interesting for it is not like any other book of the saints lives, but it also revolves around how the he can relate to them. 
This is a picture of us in the one part of the America building in which they have meetings to discuss things about the America Magazine.

In between Br.Thomas and Thomas is the author of the book "My life with the Saints" He is apart of the Jesuits and is a priest. He as well works in America magazine.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Serving with the Missionaries of Charity

The students in the class of Living like the Saints, along with their teachers, visited the convent of the Missionaries of Charity in Newark, New Jersey on May 12, 2015.

I, Pierre Matamoros, have been a part of the church that belongs to the Missionaries of Charity, and have also been there for summer camp as a kid for three years. However, I have never served the poor with the Missionaries of Charity. Watching the poor wait in line for their food is not the same as serving the poor. 

At our arrival, we saw different murals done by graffiti artists. One of the murals was of different children looking at Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta. This shows how Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta was well known in her time alive and lived a simple life. (See picture below) 

Serving the poor has helped me to be humble. Most of the time I prefer being served rather than to serve, but while serving the poor, I have seen God in the lives of those poor people. I saw how the Sisters in the Missionaries of Charity that I have met had a great relationship with the homeless people and I see that this helps the homeless people to be grateful for what they have. In addition, I also prayed the rosary with the homeless people and I enjoyed it because I have not prayed the rosary in a while. I pray regularly, but I pray the rosary when someone is in need of my prayers and therefore, I enjoyed praying the rosary once again. 

Not only did I, along with my class, serve the poor, but after serving them, we cleaned their mess. I helped dry dishes, cups, etc., and this helped me to be humble and not expect anything back, because many times, I want to be recognized for doing something good. (Below is a picture of my friends in the class washing trays) 

Overall, I enjoyed my experience serving the poor with the Missionaries of Charity, my classmates, teachers, and also two volunteers that were helping that day. (Below is a picture of the class in front of the convent of the Missionaries of Charity)

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Our Holy Trip To Most Blessed Sacrament Community of Franciscan Friars of The Renewal in Newark, NJ

This is the entrance for The Most Blessed Sacrament Community of Franciscan Friars of The Renewal in Newark, NJ 

As you can see from the arc of the entrance it says "Venite Adoremus" (this phrase is in Latin) which translated to English is said “Come let us adore Him"(See picture above)

How they got to Newark?
This Franciscan Community used to be a Monastery of Dominican Nuns, and now it is used by the Franciscan Friars that are novice Gray Friars. The Friars moved into the Monastery in 2004.
The reason we went to this place is because we had the opportunity to experience the Franciscan life.
We went on a tour to see the Franciscan Community. The first place we went to see was their Chapel where they do their prayers for the day (they pray every day). And after this we went to see the crypt that they have. (See pictures below)

 In this photograph you can see Br. Michael Angelo Getting ready to serve the homeless. The Franciscans do this every week to feed the homeless. (See picture below)

While the homeless people were eating, Pierre Matamoros and myself were playing instruments, which the Franciscans had, to entertain them while they were eating. Pierre was playing a small size percussion drum and I had a classical guitar. (See picture below)

After we served the homeless people, we cleaned up the place where we served them. 
(Sorry No Picture of the clean-up)
After the clean-up, we had some fun playing basketball with Brother Michael Angelo, and taking a few photos with the Virgin Mary, and Pope Francis. (See pictures below)

Thursday, May 7, 2015

St. Pedro Arrupe - Dirtying hands to find God

The way I find God is by dirtying my hands... By helping the poor... Whether it's in El Salvador or in Japan. Helping the Japanese, I see how God is helping me to fall in love with Him because God gave me the knowledge to find a way to help the Japanese. Furthermore, I see by getting dirty in El Salvador and by doing Masses outside, I see the beauty in dirtying my hands because I learn from these poor people.

Pedro Arrupe finding God among the Poor

All I want to do is serve the Lord... But my country right now is in a civil war, so I have to leave.....I have to go to Belgium and the Netherlands to finish my studies.....I'm so grateful that I was ordained for now I know I can serve the lord .... I am called to serve the people and the poor..... I'm being sent to the U.S. ...I'm helping them but I want to help the poor.... I'm now being sent to Japan and I enjoy helping the young men find God....I have to adapt to society and enter their culture to evangelize.... Hiroshima was just bombed, and I must go help those who have nothing......I'll use my medical training to help them....I wish to serve the poor and the weak because in them I see Christ, and...

Pedro Arrupe finding God among the poor

God is my reason to get up out of bed. God is what I love. He is what I live for. He is what motivates me to get through my good and rough days. He fills my thoughts constantly. My mind is always on him. When I'm not feeling so great, I turn to the Lord and he makes me feel complete. I know that he is my deciding factor, he gets me up, he makes me decide how to spend my evenings and my weekends. I will stay in love with the God for the rest of my life.

Pedro Arrupe

Something about the things that we love can be one of the reasons why we do most of the things we do in life. Like guidelines to what we do... God is a BIG guideline that helps me. We must be careful with what we love, for it can change the way we live. If I love God I will help others, like the poor, and...

Pedro Arrupe finding God among the poor

I have just been sent to work as a missionary in Newark, New Jersey. I see all these poor people ... O God ... Why am I here? I feel like I will get sick in the midst of these poor people ... Why? Why have you chosen me? I mean even though they are poor, I should not cast them out of society. But I see you, God, in the midst of them. I see you working for my conversion ... I need to convert. But why? ...

Finding God Among the Poor-Pedro Arrupe

I have just arrived in Newark...My first impression is the population...They are all African American...They say it s a crime filled city...I'm afraid...Yet this what I've been called to do...Since I got here I've heard sirens non-stop...The more I think about it...The more afraid I am...But I know I need to find refuge in God, so...

St. Pedro Arrupe finding God

God's love is the source of motivation...I suppose if I find this love it will sustain me...I would like to live my life by this concept...Though it may be difficult...I might get my hands dirty...Overall, its worth it to help those in need...Helping those in need is an important aspect of charity and love I propose...I contemplate through this compassionate act of justice...

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

A Saints Vision St. Bernadette.

Why are you here? Why me? What do you want from me? ... Omg why did this Lady come to me and not other people?  How can I get to heaven? What can I do to go to heaven? Can I go to heaven if I pray to this Lady?

The girl and her story

The movie is interesting to see
The ladies and her families ,friends 
I think that when she first saw Mary, She does not do anything
I believe God 
God is everywhere in my life 
God always takes care of people
Sometimes we can't see God, but God always help us
Her story tells me 
God is everywhere in our life
We need to have faith 
It helps me to know my life 

Padre Pio

Today is the day I have to give confessions, but first I'm going to get some breakfast and then I'll pray for a while, then I'll get in the confessional.... Okay I'm in front of the cross. I'm just going to pray for a bit then go give confessions... What the... What's happening? My hands... They're bleeding.  Oww my side is bleeding too. It's a lot of pain. Why is this happening?! The pain it's... It's... It's just like the pain Christ went through. But why me out of all people would he choose me? Am I special? Have I been given a blessing to be like Christ? But either way, it hurts, but I will accept it as a blessing from God. Or will I...

My mother and father

My mother and father for me are very important.
When I was a child, they took good care of me.
I love them.
I have been in the USA for 3 years.
I miss them.
Family is very important in my life.

St Bernadette's vision

I feel a strong breeze of wind....What could this mean?... Oh my..... What is that?.... It's so bright.... It's so beautiful...... It's.... It's... It's a beautiful lady!......I've never seen anything or anyone so beautiful......Wow... This is probably why I'm getting on my knees... It just feels right... My mouth is slightly open.... And I feel like I can't breath.... My body is shaking.... Praying feels right now... She told me to pray so I promised I would...... She's so beautiful....

Bernadette Soubirous Vision

She's beautiful! I feel great just looking at her... Should I go closer? Will she hurt me?... Is she a ghost? No... She would not hurt me, she would help me. I don't know if I should tell anyone about this vision. What if people think I am a complete maniac? Oh, but it's so interesting and cool... I'll tell my friends. They may or may not think I am a lunatic, but i'll risk it... After all they are my friends and should support me. I am so grateful to have met this lady, but what do I do now?...

Saint Bernadette's Vision

O beautiful lady!...How astonishing is your appearance...Cloaked in white, girded in blue, and two golden roses on your feet...Although I am nervous and unsure about your initial presence...Nonetheless how wonderful and peaceful is your presence...So should I pray the Holy Rosary with thee?...Though I contemplate it, your appearance comforts and consoles me to do so as in your illuminate nature...Indeed splendid is your presence... I choose to pray the Holy Rosary with you O beautiful lady, so...

Saint Bernadette

Wow. The lady... She is so beautiful. Her veil, her face, her clothes. They look like they were made from the best cloth in the world... She looks very holy... I am so blessed to see her in a place that looks like a dump. Worshipping her is an honor, I will obey everything she tells me to do. No matter what others think of me. Saying I'm crazy. That this is all in my head. I don't understand why others can't see her. She is really there. She is just standing over there talking to me, and...

Saint Bernadette's Vision

Who's that? ... Who is that beautiful woman dressed with a white robe, a blue sash, wearing a white veil over her head and a golden rose on each foot? ... She's so beautiful! But why is she looking at me as if she knows me? I don't even know her ... Who is she? Is this real? I think it is since I'm not sleeping... But wow! She's beautiful! It feels like a dream, but I know it's not ... What does she want from me?

St. Bernadette's Vision

What's going on?...Who is she?...I'm truly confused...Why do I feel so much peace?...But wait... I'm afraid as well...She is so beautiful...What to do?...Should I say something?...She's smiling at me...Why do I want to smile?...Man she is truly beautiful...So bright...It's almost blinding...I think I should pray...Alright let's pray...Wait...What should I pray?...Rosary?...I'm confused...Don't know what to do...

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

St. Phillip Neri

Saint Phillip Neri... Fire of Joy... Reading his life is my delight... Man what a life he lived in humility and full of miracles...I think to myself I am incapable of such wonders...Incapable of sustaining this pious and intimate relationship with God... Hell I can't even bear with the rules and lifestyle of the seminary...Yet St. Phillip's life encourages me to strive for an intimate relationship with God...But although I am weak and unworthy, I contemplate...Yet he was a person just like me... By means of this I relate to him on a personal level...Still I am not worthy of fulfilling this lifestyle...Yet Christ has risen and anything is possible with God, so..


I am annoyed ...... Why do all the poor people have nothing?....I feel really bad...Should I help them? I... I probably should... I'll sell all my goods and riches, give all my money to the poor, and live with them...Ok I did it... I feel extremely better... I'm not tied down to anything... I feel that my only responsibility is God..... Ok, well life is good... If I'm gonna live it, I want to make it worth my time to praise God for all He has done for me, such as...

St. Archangel Raphael and St. Tobit

Before revealing himself to Tobit, Raphael started to help him because Tobit became blind due to droppings that fell into his eyes from a sparrow. And so, God sent Raphael to help Tobit because he prayed to God for his help. And so what surprised me is the fact that Tobit was weeping and crying for Gods assistance. What I like about St. Raphael is the fact that he listens to what God says to him and heals Tobit. And so, this invites me to listen to God and heal whomever needs to be healed ( in terms of advice etc.).

Father Damien

I'm on the island of Oahu serving at several parishes and I look at my parishioners ... They have diseases! They have leprosy! And now they have been sent by the Hawaiian King Kamehamena IV to Kalaupapa. That's really messed up ... They are still people and have souls ... Oh, are they happy with their disease? Can they accept this leprosy? I want to go and see them but I might catch leprosy ... Should I go? ... Should I? ...

My Father - A National Champion

Two minutes left... Up by one... In overtime... The opponent has the ball. I have to stay focused... No goals...  No attacker will get past me... I am nervous but I am a lion... Nobody passes me... This is my time. I worked hard for this... Nobody will take this away from me. I see the striker getting ready to take a shot... I see him look up towards the goal... He pulls his leg back to shoot... I throw my entire body in front of the play... I won the battle... I saved the day... We are champions.


Well I mean...I don't remember much of him...Well besides the fact that I chose him for my Confirmation name...I mean St. Peter...Rock of the church...Holds the keys to heaven...The first pope...Yet he denied Jesus three times...But he at the end of his life...Wasn't willing to die like Jesus...So he was crucified upside down...I'm amazed by him...I could never see myself doing that...Well at least right now...Surprised by his ability to leave everything..Simply to follow Jesus...Someone he hardly knew....